Ghostwriting for scientists, CEOS, and grandparents

Want a book but have no idea how to get started? We write books for CEOs looking to expand their audience and grandparents who want to preserve their legacies for their grandchildren. Which one are you?

“I’m so glad we were able to save some of my mother-in-law’s stories for my daughter. Even though they never met, my daughter will still have her grandma’s words to learn from as she gets older.”

—Mike S.

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Victoria Veldhoen. I’m that person who forgoes the dance floor at your best friend’s wedding (trust me, I only know the moves to YMCA) in order to chat up your 81-year-old grandfather about how he got kicked out of the country that one time.

I have an MFA in Creative Nonfiction, and I’ve been writing my entire life. Nothing brings me more joy than discovering why someone is the way they are, and sharing that knowledge with others in an entertaining, compassionate, and obsessively-detailed book.

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